Firefighter Kingdom

This episode is we talk with Dr. Troy Rodgers about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its affects in the fire service. From what to look for as signs you or someone you know in the fire service may have it, to what can be done about it to help out.

This is a very important topic amongst first responders and their families and we go over this in both Episode 2 (FireFighters & PTSD) and Episode 3 (PTSD & Families of FireFighters)

Please share with someone who may need to hear this. Stay safe!

Hosted by:
Robert Sanchez: Professional Fire Fighter and NMPFFA President
Vince Trujillo: Producer and Marketing Agency Owner

Show Notes

Welcome to FireFighter Kingdom Episode 3!

Our Guest

Dr. Troy Rogers is a police and criminal psychologist based in New Mexico. He has a master's degree and a doctorate in clinical forensic psychology from the University of Denver.

Dr. Rogers has been the agency director for Public Safety Psychology Group LLC, PSPG, since 2004 and at the present time he works as a consultant psychologist for over 130 local state and federal law enforcement, fire, and correction agencies

Topics Covered

  • Basics of PTSD and Public Safety Personnel
  • The “Backpack” of PTSD Events
  • How To Identify PTSD
  • Treatments of PTSD
  • EMDR Therapy
  • Alcohol & Drug Issues
  • The “unseen” Injury
  • Different People Cope Differently
  • PTSD Legislation for Fire Fighters in NM
  • Prevention & Maintenance

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Welcome to FireFighter Kingdom! The podcast and Youtube channel for FireFighters, their Family, and the local community. Stay tuned and subscribe!