Dog Whistle Branding

For a while now on the show, I’ve been geeking about Direct To Consumer Brands, which is why I was so excited for this episode's guest, Bryan Welfel, CEO of The Beard Club,a DTC Brand that helps men look their best by providing high-quality grooming products at affordable prices delivered right to their door. I met Bryan back in 2020, shortly after I launched THRIVE, an entrepreneur program I run for our kids at IRONBOUND Boxing. Bryan was interested in what I was doing, gave me some advice, and even hired one of our kids to do some content work with them.

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Find out more about The Beard Club at:

What is Dog Whistle Branding?

Weekly Tac-planning on marketing, brand strategy, and category design for early & growth stage veteran small businesses, keeping you in the fight and not face down in a rice paddy!