Chris Waddell Living It

John broke the World Record for the 100 meter breaststroke at the 1984 Olympic Trials. He broke the Olympic Record in the Prelims, but also told his abductor muscle. Was not winning the gold medal in front of 15,000 fans at home in LA a crushing defeat or a gift? Join us for John’s ride from the top of the world in swimming to the top of the world in entertainment. There are some sliding door moments along the way.

What is Chris Waddell Living It?

Our greatest risk is taking no risk at all. Hall of Fame Paralympic athlete and the first "nearly unassisted" paraplegic to summit Mt Kilimanjaro in a handcycle Chris Waddell interviews people, who had been dropped into a situation that forced them to confront everything they'd thought to be true. "Experts in the Experience of Being Human," Paralympians, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, share their fight/struggle/strategy to succeed in the face of adversity.