Start With A Win

Best-selling author and keynote speaker Hamza Khan shares his insights on shifting from employee management to people-centered leadership. He motivates leaders and organizations to turn powerful ideas into inspired actions.

Show Notes

Hamza Khan believes the hardest months of the pandemic, March through May of 2020, were a portal into a new world—one that required leaders and managers to reassess old systems and start making foundational changes from the top down. As many businesses failed and others thrived, conscientious leaders began to ask hard questions about the efficacy of a leadership structure that remained disconnected from human needs. What successful leaders like Khan have found is that productivity increases when employees are encouraged to prioritize holistic wellness. 

In a world of constant change, leaders must learn to accept chaos and work within it. This requires frequent, structured opportunities for employees to provide feedback about their work environment. Leaders have to ask the hard questions to which they may not want the answers and also foster a culture that encourages honesty and vulnerability. A lack of emotional safety in the workplace has led to global burnout and mass resignations. Maintaining calm within a work environment requires conscious management of time, energy, and attention. Encouraging employees to practice wellness at home and at work is an important step in building resiliency and increasing productivity.

Main Topics:
  • A brief overview of Hamza’s professional journey from education to entrepreneurship to empowerment coach (02:50)
  • How the pandemic forced reassessment of leadership culture (05:55)
  • Increasing levels of engagement from employees (09:26)
  • Advice to leaders about accepting chaos and creating an emotionally safe work environment (13:55)
  • Creating a culture of peace through intention and attention (19:17)
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What is Start With A Win?

Every day you have a choice. You can wake up and choose to give in to mediocrity and complacency, you can choose bad habits and poor choices, and you can do the bare minimum to get by and fly under the radar. Or you can choose to make today the day that sets you apart from the crowd, you can choose to start doing the right things, the things that will set you up for success. You can choose to create a life that is worth living, worth waking up to, and worth sharing with the world around you. Today You can choose to start with a win.