The Good Tech Companies

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Let's explore everything you need to know about Puppeteer Extra, the enhanced version of Puppeteer that adds support for plugins
Check more stories related to programming at: You can also check exclusive content about #web-scraping, #puppeteer, #web-scraping-puppeteer, #puppeteer-tutorial, #anti-bot, #puppeteer-extra, #what-is-puppeteer, #good-company, and more.

This story was written by: @brightdata. Learn more about this writer by checking @brightdata's about page, and for more stories, please visit

Puppeteer Extra enhances Puppeteer by adding plugin support to tackle its limitations. This lightweight wrapper introduces plugins for tasks like evading bot detection, solving CAPTCHAs, and blocking unwanted resources. Despite its strengths, advanced anti-bot systems can still detect Puppeteer. Explore Puppeteer Extra’s plugins to elevate your web scraping game, but be aware that sophisticated bot defenses may still pose challenges.

What is The Good Tech Companies ?

Distributing the announcements and blogs posts by the the top software, crypto, ai, futurism and technology companies. An audio story feed by HackerNoon.