Where's the Lemonade?

Disneyland Dad Syndrome is real and affects blended families every day. It is so prevalent that there is a legal definition for it. So how do you become a Disneyland Dad? How do you deal with a Disneyland Dad? Darren & Paige give their insight into this problem in Blended Families.

Show Notes

Disneyland Dad Syndrome is real and affects blended families every day. It is so prevalent that there is a legal definition for it. So how do you become a Disneyland Dad? How do you deal with a Disneyland Dad? Darren & Paige give their insight into this problem in Blended Families.
What is a Disneyland Dad
  • Legal Definition
  • Only having fun when you are with the kids
  • No rules, responsibilities, or discipline
  • Indulging in gifts.
Why you become a Disneyland Dad
  • Intentional - deliberately overindulges the kids to undermine the other parent.
  • Un-intentional - Trying to have fun with his kids with limited time that they have with the kids.
  • "Visitation" - is a term that makes it seem like your kids are just visiting and therefore you want to use the very limited time doing fun things not school work or chores. etc...
  • Frequency of seeing the kids play a big part.
  • When we see the kids - Weekends and Evenings. Most families have fun on the weekends. Stay up late, excursions etc..
  • How to avoid being a Disneyland Dad
  • The parents do not have the same schedules or circumstances. School with homework, weekends only. etc..
  • Be consistent
  • Be involved
  • Encourage responsibility
  • Teach them
  • Consistently discipline. - Mom's rules don't matter at Dad's house. Not good.
Dealing with a Disneyland Dad
  • Connect with your kids - The quality time is more important
  • Focus on your own relationship with your children. - You cannot control what the other parent does.
  • Let it go!! - Don't get stuck in frustration and anger.
  • This is not a competition. Children are not consumer whose love is bought by stuff or entertainment
  • If you compete you lose. 
  • Being Present. Tune in. 
  • Don't say negative things about your co-parent.
  • Have fun and play. Does not need to cost money.
  • Have confidence in your parenting. don't compare yourself to the co-parent.

Lemonade Moment of the Week
The pinhole leak turned out to be a nail that slowly leaked.
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What is Where's the Lemonade??

They say when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Making lemonade is not always easy or possible. For us, we found ourselves single in our 40's with kids at home and starting life over again. Luckily we found each other, online no doubt. When we began blending families, schedules, traditions, and laundry, we discovered lots of lemons. Our podcast is a reflection on how we get through the hard times and enjoy the good times on our new journey together, all with ten kids in tow. Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you make lemon squares. Lemonade might come later.