
Jan Bartl has a phd degree in experimental fluid mechanics from NTNU in 2018, with a focus upon wind turbines. He is an associate professor at Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering at HVL (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences). His research is about making wind turbines more efficient and maintainable by design and optimization through socalled multi rotor concepts. Simulation of wind effects plays a key role. At the end of the episode he also comments on what he thinks is required in the bigger picture to roll out wind power faster, and the outside is outside his own research area.

Creators & Guests

Siri Smith
Siri works as Climate and Sustainability Coordinator at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

What is 17-målspodden?

Hva kan bærekraftig utvikling - eller bærekraft - handle om? De 17 bærekraftsmålene spenner bredt. Det handler om klima og miljø, men det handler også om helse, om anstendig arbeid, om likestilling og om bærekraftige lokalsamfunn - for å nevne noe. Med 17-målspodden er målet å gjøre bærekraft-tematikken mer forståelig, samtidig som kompleksiteten ikke skal forenkles.
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