Halo Drop

Today we’re talking about wellness and rethinking experiences. More and more of us are turning to nature for an escape from the confines of home, but with travel curtailed, how can we connect with the wilderness, without really leaving home?

Key takeaways:
Rethinking experiences in light of COVID
The appeal of creation and destruction
Male grooming products
The rise of plant based companies
Fermented beet juice
Sleep optimization without an Oura Ring

Hosts Twitter
Vishal - https://twitter.com/vgurbuxani
Krishna - https://twitter.com/ksub15
Sunil - http://twitter.com/vermasun

Show Social
Twitter https://twitter.com/halodropfm

Show Notes

With almost all of us working remotely, from home, a situation that isn’t likely to change in the near future, we’re rooting for a vaccine, to enable us to get back to normal. 

But a vaccine program is going to take 2-3 years to be rolled out fully, with first world countries getting the vaccine first, then third world countries. And it’s not just a single vaccine, you need one shot, then a booster. 

So with that in mind, today we’re talking about wellness and rethinking experiences. More and more of us are turning to nature for an escape from the confines of home, but with travel curtailed, how can we connect with the wilderness, without really leaving home?

“How do you reconnect to nature? That's something that as a macro trend has been fascinating… You're basically trying to simplify your current experiences and almost changing your mindset versus having to actually travel somewhere.”

And it's not just nature experiences we’re after, we want wellness experiences too. From disconnecting from your phone to camping in your backyard, creation and destruction experiences to watching cooking shows. 

“There is a visceral appeal to seeing something go from raw material into a finished product.”

Elsewhere, the companies we’ve been looking at this week include male grooming products and plant based companies. And our top tip? Make fermented beet juice. 

Don’t miss all of this and more, on this week’s episode of Halo Drop. 

On today’s podcast:
  • Rethinking experiences in light of COVID
  • The appeal of creation and destruction
  • Male grooming products
  • The rise of plant based companies 
  • Fermented beet juice
  • Sleep optimization without an Oura Ring


Hosts Twitter
Vishal - https://twitter.com/vgurbuxani
Krishna - https://twitter.com/ksub15
Sunil - http://twitter.com/vermasun

Show Social
Twitter https://twitter.com/halodropfm

What is Halo Drop?

Have you always wondered what it takes to make an Idea go from ok to amazing? To go from Idea to Exit?

What are the trends shaping India today, and how can we take the lessons from Silicon Valley and apply them at scale?

We created Halo Drop to build a community of amazing entrepreneurs, investors, family offices, hustlers, and change agents. We want you to be inspired to learn, build, and become successful! We spend countless hours researching the top trends in India and America to bubble up the macro trends, find amazing companies, and share actionable tips for you to get started.

This isn’t just a show for you to listen in on, we want you to participate and build.

Visit https://www.halodrop.fm for more information.