Impact Church Aurora Podcast

Session 3 Questions:
1. In your own words, define what deliverance means for you. (You may have to offer your own definition first. In session 1, we defined Deliverance "as the act of being rescued or set free from bondage or danger.")

2. What are the things in your life that are currently troubling you, or the things from your past that seem to haunt you? (Fears, guilt, depression, rejection, mental illness, spiritual torment, etc.)

3. What are the 'open doors' or 'agreements' that you have given Satan legal authority to enter through? (Lies, deceptions, sinfulness, unforgiveness, traumatic experiences, bad relationships, etc.) Finding out what 'agreements' they've made can reveal 'access points' that sin or the Devil have gained into their lives.

4. If you need deliverance, can you remember when the bondage started? Do you have ancestors or family members who have suffered from a similar kind of bondage? (This line of questioning can cause 'triggers' so be ready to explain and pray against bondage or 'generational curses')

5. Do you feel truly loved by God for who you are? Why or why not? (This is a great way to identify a very common stronghold - many people don't see God as a loving Father, and it hinders them from experiencing God's liberating love in their life, which only gives the devil more room to lie to them. Remind them of Romans 5:8 and Romans 8:32

What is Impact Church Aurora Podcast?

Our Mission: To see people come to know God, encounter His life changing power, learn to reflect Christ, and be equipped and empowered to advance His Kingdom. We connect people to God and reconnect people to each other through the ministry of reconciliation.

Our Culture:
Uncommon Love.
Unapologetic Truth.
Unashamed Worship.

Our Day 1 Scripture:
LUKE 4:18
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, 19 and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”