Kalam Astro

Discover the Sharjah Astronomical Observatory's observations of the International Space Station's approach to the lunar disk, delve into the impact of solar storms on global auroras, explore the scorching surface of a volcanic exoplanet, and ponder the role of AI in our search for extraterrestrial civilizations.

Uncover the Sharjah Astronomical Observatory's recording of the International Space Station's apparent approach to the lunar disk, offering a glimpse into the cosmic ballet between Earth's satellite and human-made spacecraft. Delve into the intricate celestial mechanics and cosmic perspectives that shape this mesmerizing encounter.

Embark on a celestial spectacle as we explore how a giant sunspot unleashed solar storms that spawned global auroras, dazzling observers worldwide. Witness the breathtaking displays of light and color in the night sky, showcasing the dynamic relationship between the Sun, Earth, and the mesmerizing auroras they create.

Unveil the scorching surface of a volcanic exoplanet, where temperatures soar higher than some stars, defying our conventional understanding of planetary extremes. Explore the fiery landscapes and otherworldly conditions of this exotic world, offering insights into the diverse and extreme environments that exist beyond our solar system.

 Delve into the intriguing realm of artificial intelligence and its potential role in our quest to make contact with alien civilizations. Explore the theories and challenges surrounding our search for extraterrestrial life, pondering the implications of AI advancements on our interstellar communication endeavors.
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What is Kalam Astro?

Alya Al Nuaimi invites you to embark on an intergalactic adventure through the cosmos with Kalam Astro. Stay up to date with the latest global and local astronomy news, including interviews with industry experts, and discover the secrets of the universe with mind-bending theories. Want some helpful tips on stargazing? Alya has got you covered.