You Can Mentor: A Christian Mentoring Podcast

If you’ve ever hiked up a mountain, it is no easy endeavor. There are easy parts and there are hard parts. Storms can pop up from time to time. Times of fun and times where you are challenged. But if you stick it out, the view is almost worth the struggle it took to get there. 

One thing I know to be true about climbing a mountain is it is always easier when you do it with other people. 

People can pick you up when you fall down. Can encourage you when you get tired. Can celebrate with you when you hit a check point. People who can champion you to do what you set out to do. 

The same is true with mentoring. It’s always better when you do it with other people. 

Mentoring alone is very difficult. Why? Because often times the “wins” in mentoring are few and far between. I have found that most mentors experience discouragement at some point in their mentoring journey. 

And when discouragement hits, it’s usually downhill from there. A typical pattern may look something like this. 

Get discouraged. 
Start believing this isn’t working
Negative outlook or bad attitude
Stop pursuing
Relationship dissolves

But mentoring is all about persevering. It’s all about continuing to show up over and over and over. It’s about, like Jesus with us, overcoming the hard and being there for your mentee no matter what. 

When you begin mentoring, it’s always a good idea to surround yourself with people who can help you on your mentoring journey. 

Here are some potential key members of your mentoring tribe. 

Organization (Church / non-profit / school)
  • Best practices
  • Create events to participate in
  • Hold you accountable

  • Cheer you on and celebrate when good things happen with your mentee
  • Help share the load, as they build relationships with your mentee
  • Pray for your mentee

  • Mentoring in a small group is an excellent way to team up to advance the Kingdom. You already live life together. Might as well do it on mission. 
  • Like having an assistant coach. Maybe they have expertise where you don’t. 
  • One more adult to look up to. 

Your tribe can:
  • Help you stay encouraged
  • Speak truth when you are believing lies
  • Create a safe place to vent about hard times
  • Hold your proverbial mentoring arms up when they get tired like aaron did with moses. 
  • Give you new ideas on how to engage with your mentee or how to overcome an obstacle with your mentee. 
  • Help open up opportunities for your mentee
  • Pray for you and pray with you. 
  • Champion you to stay in the mentoring game for the long haul. 
  • Provide respite if you have a difficult season or unforeseen circumstance pop up

Just like climbing a mountain, or going on any journey, is better with a tribe of people, mentoring for the long haul is easier when you are surrounded by people who love you and who are for you. 

So find your tribe. Be open about your mentoring needs, opportunities, struggles, and victories. Share the load and allow others to hold your arms up when you get tired. 

Mentoring is always better with other people. 


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Creators & Guests

Zachary Garza
Founder of Forerunner Mentoring & You Can Mentor // Father to the Fatherless // Author

What is You Can Mentor: A Christian Mentoring Podcast?

You Can Mentor is a network that equips and encourages mentors and mentoring leaders through resources and relationships to love God, love others, and make disciples in their own community.

We want to hear from you! Send any mentoring questions to, and we'll answer them on our podcast. We want to help you become the best possible mentor you can be. Also, if you are a mentoring organization, church, or non-profit, connect with us to join our mentoring network or to be spotlighted on our show.

Please find out more at or find us on social media. You will find more resources on our website to help equip and encourage mentors. We have downloadable resources, cohort opportunities, and an opportunity to build relationships with other Christian mentoring leaders.