Show Me Your Deck

We begin with the shaping of a living plant, the pruning of wood and leaves to help create boundaries, to choose better people and define ourselves in a way that gives our love where it is deserved. As you delve into your emotions and the intersection with your heart, you must allow your waters, your metal to carry you home, back to safety and security. Sometimes the pruning is done by others, and there is ache and pain in their wake. When you are rooted again, you can reach up for the heavens, transmitting your legacy as vibrations in the now. Messages and experiences that others can receive from you as they are happening. Wonder and joy you thought lost are just waiting to be remembered, to be carried with you, leaving pain behind and bringing joy forward again. It then comes full circle, the intersection of your heart and your emotions, a reminder that even though we are injured by our shaping, we must still grow and shape ourselves, carrying the scars but living in the now, fully integrated and becoming what we are meant to be.

What is Show Me Your Deck?

A podcast with Dean Sage and Jack Kirven where they explore the intersection of oracle decks and chakras, using their original decks to create new insights. Dean's deck is a modern translation of the Tarot that removes gender-norms to reveal the deeper, non-gendered meaning of the cards. Jack's four decks play with the traditional chakra system, examining the way they intersect, rather than using them in isolation. The show allows inspiration to arise from the intersection of all decks using both intuition and chance. Dean pulls his cards as the Tarot reader does, while Jack relies on dice to see which cards his decks will offer up. The result is a reading and a reminder that uses the language of chakras and the diversity of the Tarot.