Flushing It Out

Samantha and Jacquelyn talk about the power of positivity, meditation and more. Jacquelyn's mission to help people find their true passions and live their life with intention and positivity.

Show Notes

Samantha and Jacquelyn talk about the power of positivity, meditation, and more.  Jacquelyn's mission to help people find their true passions and live their life with intention and positivity.  Salon owner (Enlightened Styles), organic cosmetics line creator (Ammoura), and holistic business coach (Untethered Coaching) are just three of the many hats Jacquelyn wears.  She is truly a shining light!  You can find Jacquelyn at https://www.enlightenedstyles.com/ and https://www.untetheredcoaching.com/

What is Flushing It Out ?

Flushing It Out with Samantha Spittle, the Introvert's Extrovert. The podcast where she talks to people so you don't have to...for now.