
This episode of BiCurean is part of our special coronavirus coverage. We invited the artists from Oberer Totpunkt and the organizers of the Darkstream Festival 2020 to talk about quarantine life in Germany, the challenges faced by artists right and how online concert streaming is becoming more popular during COVID19.

Show Notes

David Grey didn't know he was starting a 4 day festival when he and some friends decided to create the first ever Darkstream Festival, running May 29- 31, 2020.  Billed as 'an online festival of the shadow arts, with music, literature, and art' it's the first of its kind as artists across the globe grapple with the impact of quarantine- and their fans are looking for ways to get engaged with their favorite performers and creators. 

Learn how it came about and how one of our favorite German bands, Oberer Totpunkt are managing through the COVID19 crisis.

Oberer Totpunkt
Darkstream Festival
Darkstream Festival FB

Pfingsten: Many Christians in Germany observe the Second Day of Pentecost, on the day after Pentecost (or Whitsunday). It is a national public holiday. Pentecost commemorates the Holy Ghost's descent on Jesus Christ's disciples, according to the Bible.

WGT (Wave Gotik Treffen) = Wave Gothic Meeting. "WGT" is every year around Pfingsten: 4-5 Days. Next year ist 30th anniversary! One band of the first small festival with 5 bands in 1991 was by the way "Das Ich". - now around 200 Bands. It´s in Leipzig, located in what was East Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall.
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What is BiCurean?

BiCurean takes typically combative topics and teaches them to play nice. Our view is the mainstream reactionary rhetoric divides us and only helps those invested in the status quo. We seek to find answers beyond the most obvious.

Join host Aicila as she digs into topics ranging from social and political to geeky and fun. Aicila is looking for the "BiCurean Moment"- the point where contradictions meet or are embraced.

BiCurean was conceived of in 2011 by Aicila as a podcast and originally created as a blog. On hiatus since 2021, she's been eager to start back up, and 2024 will be the year she does. Watch for new episodes, a new format, and just her as the host. for more info