Who's Who of SAU

Meet Alan Sivell. Sivell teaches communication courses at St. Ambrose. He joins Ryan to discuss his "nomad" years, how an East Coaster ends up in Iowa, and his time at WQAD.

Show Notes

Meet Alan Sivell. Sivell teaches communication courses at St. Ambrose. He joins Ryan to discuss his "nomad" years, how an East Coaster ends up in Iowa, his time as a reporter at WQAD News 8, and his transition to the classroom. 

Who's Who of SAU is a student production of KALA-FM.

Theme music by audionautix.com

What is Who's Who of SAU?

Welcome to the Who's Who of SAU! Join Ryan Sandness as he takes an intimate look at the faculty and staff members of St. Ambrose University. We'll learn about their hobbies, personal life, and interests beyond their field.

Look for new episodes on Tuesdays!

Theme music by audionautix.com