((A Perfect Union))™ Podcast

When ((Reason)) is taken for granted... one defaults to opinion. When one is unaware that they have a Lens... Opinions are taken as reality... And this S*** show is what you get. Time to stop gas-lighting, and instead gain ((Rational Intelligence)) and ((Lensitivity)).

Show Notes

We all take "reason" for granted.  In general, it is because the KIND of "rational" capability which we ARE granted seems at first appearance...well... good enough, so we fail to see how disastrous it actually is to not get ((Rationally Woke)).  In other words, if we don't even understand that we have a Lens that shapes the reality that we experience, then we are inept as Humans to be the ((Dialogue)) beings that we must become in order to reach the ((Promised Land)) of ((We The People)).  And we slip into the "ideological supremacy" wars and violence to one another that we see today.
It's time to gain ((Rational Intelligence)) and ((Lensitivity))!

What is ((A Perfect Union))™ Podcast?

Pioneering the way to ((We The People)).