Windows on dementia

There is currently no cure for dementia, though researchers around the world are desperately searching for one. So why is it proving so hard? And how do we balance this with the urgent need for more care and support for people living with dementia today? Here to talk us through these issues is Professor Srikanth from Monash University.

Show Notes

Dementia consistently ranks as one of our most feared conditions. There is currently no cure for dementia, though researchers around the world are desperately searching for one. So why is it proving so hard? And how do we balance this with the urgent need for more care and support for people living with dementia today?

Here to talk us through these issues is Professor Srikanth, Director of the National Centre for Healthy Ageing (NCHA), and Director of Research at Peninsula Health. He is also Professor of Medicine in the Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at Monash University, Melbourne Australia. He works clinically as a specialist Geriatrician with particular expertise in dementia and stroke. 

What is Windows on dementia?

People living with dementia are citizens whose lives matter. They have the same rights, needs and desires as everyone else, but are ignored far too often. It’s time their voices were heard. So join us and let's talk dementia.