Good News for Today

In one sub-Saharan African nation, terrorist attacks have led to a refugee crisis across four countries. With their husbands unable to farm after having been displaced from their land, women became the primary breadwinners.In these makeshift camps, women lack opportunities for education or trade skills to support their families. A Send Relief partner surveyed the camps and found many women interested in learning to make soap to sell, rather than begging for food. One of the village women says, “Before we learned how to make soap, we didn’t know how to do anything to help our families make money other than farm”. Send Relief provided materials and training for soap-making, leading to a successful program. Grateful participants shared their appreciation, noting how the training empowers them to support their families and avoid begging, with hopes to continue if they are able to return to their villages.
The Black church is facing a crisis of desertion, says Pastor Greg Perkins of The View Church in CA, while speaking at the Black Church Leadership and Family Conference in Ridgecrest, NC. Perkins, president of the National African American Fellowship, highlighted that nearly half of young Black individuals seldom or never attended church in recent years. He emphasizes the unique value of the Black church, saying it understands and embraces the lived experiences of its members. Pastor Perkins says, “I want to pursue a church that models Christlikeness,” … “And whatever the ethnic composition of that church is, it doesn’t matter to me, because if we’re pursuing Christlikeness, He’ll be glorified.” The Black Church Leadership and Family Conference aims to equip leaders in African American and urban churches with preaching, worship, teaching, and fellowship.
A recent study by GuideStone Financial Resources reveals many pastors struggle with financial, physical, and mental wellness. Over 80% of surveyed pastors sacrifice their own well-being for their ministry, with more than half also sacrificing their family’s well-being. Financial struggles are significant, with 32% identifying it as the hardest area to maintain, often due to rising costs and insufficient income. Many pastors are unprepared for emergencies or retirement, with almost half having less than $5,000 in savings and 49% taking on debt for emergencies. GuideStone President. Hance Dilbeck highlights the importance of financial wellness, noting its impact on other wellness areas. GuideStone has launched a Ministerial Resources Center to help pastors navigate financial challenges.

What is Good News for Today?

Good News for Today shares and spotlights the good God is doing in this world. Through the stories of Baptist Press, we’ll introduce you to Christians and churches who are making an impact for the glory of God.