Keep The Money On The Ford w/ Lex Bibbs

Dame is one half of the No Grease Enterprise. Born and raised in Buffalo, NY - Dame found his way down south attending college at JCSU in the 90’s. Listen as he talks about growing up in and around the beauty industry, the Rise of No Grease, issues with he logo and how to Franchise a No Grease barbershop.

What is Keep The Money On The Ford w/ Lex Bibbs?

KTMOTF is a weekly podcast where Lex Bibbs interviews black businesses of all kinds.
Focusing on his alma mater, he takes a moment to speak with alumni of JCSU about the struggles, lessons and journey to building a business. Beatties Ford Road being the street JCSU sits on, Lex is doing his part in keeping the money on the Ford while continuing the conversation.