The Engage For Good Podcast with Alli Murphy

It’s the Joe episode! Joe Waters joins Megan Strand to talk about influencers, which campaigns made an impact on Veterans Day and brainstorm ways to leverage the ‘Ok, Boomer’ meme for good.We wrap up talking about sustainable practices in cause marketing and cause products.

Show Notes

In this episode of Cause Talk Radio, Megan chats with regular monthly guest Joe Waters of

This episode spans all sorts of social impact topics, from Joe’s recent webinar on influencers in social impact and what he learned to #TeamTrees with YouTuber MrBeast and how The Arbor Day Foundation ran with what started out as an internet challenge.

Megan and Joe debrief on Veterans Day cause campaigns that caught their attention and why, including Call of Duty Endowment’s #HireHonor campaign, Macy’s Salutes Those Who Serve, KIND Heroes Bars, Dunkin’ Donuts and A Million Thanks and The Royal Canadian Legion’s special challenge to gamers that play war-related games.

Megan issues a special challenge to Joe to come up with a cause marketing promotion around the “Ok, Boomer” meme and Joe delivers!

Last, but not least, Megan and Joe start what will become a larger discussion of sustainable practices in cause marketing and social impact and discuss a few current practices that may not be as “green” as they could be.

What is The Engage For Good Podcast with Alli Murphy?

Your resource for all things corporate social impact, CSR, and brand purpose. Join Alli Murphy as she interviews top corporate leaders, nonprofit pros, and people who help them advance their careers and organizations. You’ll be inspired by the strategies change-makers follow to build win-win partnerships and campaigns and their actionable advice for advancing your career and developing your social impact team. Subscribe now to learn from the best and get ideas you can implement today!