Kyle and Dave vs The Machine

A movie where a scientist is backstabbed and becomes the being known as Swamp Thing! Kyle just keeps swatting at mosquitos. Dave has no desire to get into the water. The Machine, as does everyone, has a crush on Adrienne Barbeau.

Show Notes

A movie where a scientist is backstabbed and becomes the being known as Swamp Thing! Kyle just keeps swatting at mosquitos. Dave has no desire to get into the water. The Machine, as does everyone, has a crush on Adrienne Barbeau.

You can follow us on Letterboxd to see the entire list of movies we've talked about:

Watch the trailer for Swamp Thing here:

Our sponsors this week are: 
  1. Alberta Blue Cross - - Alberta Blue Cross group benefit plans are easy to manage, anywhere, anytime and on any device, making it easy for you and your employees to access. 
  2. ATB Cares - - Donate to the charity that is most important to you. ATB Cares makes it easy for all Albertans to support the causes they care about. In addition to your donation, ATB will match 20% of every dollar donated to all Alberta-based, non-religious charities, to a monthly limit of $30,000. Eligible charities may receive up to $5,000 in matching per year. Individual donations qualify for a maximum donation match of $500.

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What is Kyle and Dave vs The Machine?

A sentient machine forces Kyle and Dave to watch movies in order to prevent the apocalypse.