In a world marked by anxiety, division, and unrest, the Advent season brings us a powerful promise—peace. In this first message of our Advent series, Ps. Ori Zacher explores how the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, offers a profound contrast to the fleeting peace the world offers. Jesus’ peace is not simply an absence of conflict but a deep, enduring peace that transcends circumstances and guards our hearts.
We’ll see how Jesus’ peace is radically different from the world’s peace and how it is specifically for troubled hearts, offering comfort and hope even in times of fear. As we look to John
14:27, we’ll uncover how Jesus’ peace cannot be overcome by fear, offering us an unshakable foundation for living in peace amidst life’s challenges.
Join Ps. Ori Zacher as we discover how Advent promises peace to a conflicted world and how this peace can transform our lives, relationships, and communities.
We pray this message encourages you as we apprentice to become more like Jesus.
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