Take It EV

This week I'm speaking to Kate and James of YouTube fame.
We talked about how they got into EVs, maintenance of EVs. How to do it yourself, if you’re so inclined.
Kate spoke about her take on Model 3 exterior and practicalities and we talked about engineering of EVs.

Show Notes

This week I'm speaking to Kate and James of YouTube fame.

We talked about how they got into EVs, maintenance of EVs. How to do it yourself, if you’re so inclined.
Kate spoke about her take on Model 3 exterior and practicalities, and we talked about the engineering of EVs.

Some of the links mentioned in the episode:

Jonathan Porterfield: https://eco-cars.net/aboutecocars.php

Kate and Jame's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/James0852

Servicing Tesla yourself

Tesla Model 3 review






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  • Boggratt
  • Andrew Till
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Creators & Guests

Gregg Jaśkiewicz

What is Take It EV?

We talk about EVs, from the British perspective. 

Practical, Technical and all about Electric Vehicles.