The Socialpod

Why should social workers focus on "meaning"?

The most common answer students give to why they want to become social workers is ‘I want to help people’. In the global definition of social work this is described as engaging ‘people and structures to address life challenges and enhance wellbeing’. The perspective of bringing meaning into life gives an interesting way of carrying out this mission.

In Girona - Spain:
"There's more to life than being happy" TED talk by Emily Esfahani Smith.

In her book "The Power of Meaning," Emily Esfahani Smith rounds up the latest research -- and the stories of fascinating people she interviewed -- to argue that the search for meaning is far more fulfilling than the pursuit of personal happiness.

What is The Socialpod?

A podcast about international social work. Made by SocNet98, an European network of 18 universities that graduates students in social work. In this podcast you can listen to a broad specter of topics that is all connected to social work in an international perspective.