The European Startup Show

In this episode, I sit down with April Dunford who is a globally recognized expert in positioning and author of the best seller book on positioning, Obviously Awesome: How to nail positioning so your customers get it, buy it and love it. I ask her the questions founders always ask me like: how should you position if you are a multi-product company? Do you position at a company level or a product level? When should you create a new category? How do you position if you are in a transition?

Show Notes

  • [1:14] What is positioning? And how can you tell if a company needs to rethink its positioning?
  • [5:12] How does company positioning and product positioning differ?
  • [12:00] How does the “Obviously Awesome” positioning framework for B2B companies work?
  • [21:08] - Who should be involved in positioning?  April uses her framework to walk through a case study where she developed the positioning for a CRM product.
  • [32:45 - How do you balance where you are today with the product against where you want to be? How do you position your product in that context?
  • [34:23] When should you create a new category?
  • [42:40] Where do companies and founders struggle the most when it comes to positioning and what is your advice for them?

What is The European Startup Show?

To inspire technology entrepreneurs in Europe with stories and practical strategies from other successful entrepreneurs.

If you are a CEO, founder, or work in sales or marketing, and your company is based in Europe or is looking to expand into Europe, then this podcast is for you.