
Jeffrey Young is joined by representatives from the Torriano Primary School Eco Committee, who were also runners-up of the Camden Eco Champion Awards 2021. They discuss their environmental achievements around the school from Waste-Free Wednesdays, more plant-based food, re-wilding, and banning plastic bottles. In this inspiring episode, we hear about the importance of pushing for small changes, whether at home, school, or work, and the power that young people have in influencing those around them.

Show Notes

The Eco Committee works tirelessly to raise the profile of the planet. They were formed during Torriano School’s STEAM learning on greening the grey in our community with projects on sustainable lighting in the school, rewilding the playgrounds, and improving air quality by working with the council to introduce bus lanes on the busy streets outside the school. 

The Eco Committee continues to lead on sustainable work within the school. They have already introduced Meat Free Mondays in a bid to cut down the school’s meat consumption. During COP26 the Eco Committee took this further and shared their learning with the whole school and also campaigned to introduce vegetarian menus throughout the week, challenging conceptions about diets in our schools. They have opened a food waste cafe in the playground kitchen with each year group sharing smoothies made from waste food and their garden produce. 

Their ambition this year is to support the school in becoming zero waste. In November, the Eco Committee voted to sign the Camden Climate Charter and they are now working on their action plan to take their work even further. 

What is Camdeners?

Hosted by Jeffrey Young, founder of The Camden Clean Air Initiative and CEO of Allegra Group, each episode features an insightful conversation with interesting persons living, working, or playing within the Borough of Camden, and most of all those committed to making a positive difference and improving the quality of life in our community, Camden.