
Supercool Trailer Bonus Episode 13 Season 1

Crime Fighters & Therapists: How Urban Trees Improve City Life

Crime Fighters & Therapists: How Urban Trees Improve City LifeCrime Fighters & Therapists: How Urban Trees Improve City Life

While saving the Amazon grabs headlines, the trees right outside your front door shape your life in important ways. The more trees in your city neighborhood, the less crime, the fewer prescriptions for antidepressants, and the lower rates of asthma, childhood leukemia, and other immune diseases. These leafy giants affect everything from healthier newborns to longer life expectancy to higher property values.  Geoffrey Donovan, an urban forester and economist with the U.S. Forest Service, joins the show. His groundbreaking research over the two decades is reshaping how urban planners and policymakers think about the essential public health and economic role of trees in city life.

Show Links:

Guest: Geoffrey Donovan

Organization: U.S. Forest Service

Grant Program: U.S. Forest Service's Urban and Community Forest Program

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Discover real-world climate solutions that cut carbon emissions, boost the bottom line, and improve modern life. Each week, climate entrepreneur and author Josh Dorfman pinpoints proven playbooks, business models, and technologies accelerating the low-carbon economy in future-forward towns and cities. Hear from CEOs, Mayors, startup founders, policymakers, and other innovators addressing climate change head-on to shape a smarter, more sustainable future.