Off Stage with Greg and RD

RD and Greg are joined this week by Rick Dunn as they talk about justice and the critical race theory.

Show Notes

After a brief introduction and talk of different Fellowship podcasts, RD, Greg, and Rick jump right into the discussion.
Greg begins by sharing what critical race theory is and where it started, and how our culture now says you're either totally racist or you're not racist at all. Rick chimes in and explains why it's so important that we understand the language that's being used and what people mean when they say things about racism. RD adds that everything we do, including talking about race, has to be grounded in a Biblical mindset.
Greg moves the conversation to talking about intersectionality and the three ways that critical race theory explains how the group in power holds its power:
  1. Hegemonic power - Greg uses the example of Hollywood and beauty and sexuality, and RD brings up Israel in Egypt.
  2. Moral asymmetry - Greg explains how this theory thinks that the oppressor is always wrong and the oppressed are always right. He gives the example of Sarah Jeong at the New York Times.
  3. A lived experience trumps everything else - Greg uses the example of what critics would say about three men talking about abortion. But, Rick says that just because the three men don't have the full expression doesn't mean they can't have an authentic expression.
RD spends time discussing how we as Christians need to engage in all social justice issues, and how important our approach is. He also reiterates that everyone is equally lost and in need of Jesus, we just all have different histories. Rick also adds that this is an incredible time in our history to learn how to love each other well. RD references J. I. Packer's book Weakness Is The Way.
To close, Greg looks back at history to show how if we're not careful as a society, we'll just keep repeating our mistakes, and RD reiterates that we always have to point people back to Jesus.
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What is Off Stage with Greg and RD?

Through breaking down Biblical texts, discussing prevalent news and relevant topics, and bringing both humor and wisdom to the conversation, Off Stage with Greg and RD showcases how these two pastors have a passion for educating people on theology and how it relates to our current culture.