XMTR Radio Hour

This XMTR (Transmitter) Radio Hour is a conversation with Ed Baxter who has recently stepped down as Resonance FM creative director after being at the helm for over 22 years. Ed has selected a number of audio works that he initiated, directed or produced during this time, with a common theme of 'creating the conditions for something to happen'. These radio experiments are a wonderful example of what occurs when this medium is stretched and contorted,  allowing for the unexpected whist setting out imaginative parameters. Works included are: Score for Open-heart Surgery on Charlie Watts, Shut Your Eyes to Art, SpeedDataRadio, The Exeter Whisper, Fifth Sketch for Ascent and Descent, Intimacy and Distance and Millions Flee as California Burns. 

What is XMTR Radio Hour?

Do you find yourself stuck in the same channels? Unable to break out of the echo-chamber of your media consumption and worldview. Transmitter is here to cut through the noise. Lucia Scazzocchio from 'Social Broadcasts' scans the digital soundscape every other month to bring you original sounds, new voices and archive treasures from podcasts, radio, sound installations and anything that catches her ears.