
Erica and I discuss women's health, healing, the importance of listening to our bodies, and her work in fascia release.

Show Notes

Show notes: 
   02:10 - Erica's journey in occupational therapy.
   05:00 - Fascia: What it is, how it gets stuck and its relation to trauma.
   07:30 - Trauma response and how myofascial work helps release it. Fight or flight vs. rest and digest.
   14:30 - How the brain responds to protect us. (Fight, flight, freeze.)
   23:30 - How Erica prepares for healing sessions. And why her own personal development is key for success in her work.
   27:00 - Freedom and how it feels in the body.
   29:00 - Women's bodies and the balance of strength and softness. The power of the feminine.
   32:30 - On partnership and forgiveness.
   36:00 - On the power of gratitude and the mind body connection.
   41:00 - How to receive signals from the body.
   42:00 - Interconnectedness of the body and mind.
   46:35 - Women's health, how it's often misdiagnosed, and why 'normal' is not necessarily 'healthy'.
   55:50 - Erica's journey with breast implants and informed consent. 
1:08:00 - Opening our eyes and taking in new information. 
1:15:00 - Erica's non-profit supporting the end of sex trafficking.

What is Connection ?

What started as a space to discuss health and spirituality topics expanded into interviews around health, culture, policy, and current events with those bold enough to tell the truth. Truth connects us all and I'm here to talk about it.