Venture Pill

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And now for this week’s prescription:

On this week’s dose, we have Meredith Perry, Co-Founder and CEO of Elemind, the startup that helps people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer through their breakthrough wearable device.

First, we hear about the journey that led Meredith to team up alongside her other co-founders at Elemind several years ago. From there, we dive deeper into the product, how the team at Elemind developed it, and how it works safely to augment and improve sleep tailored to your unique brain and brain activity in real-time. Next, Meredith tells us a little more about their cap table and what she looks for in ideal investors. Lastly, to wrap up this week’s dose, stick around to hear about Meredith’s vision for the future of Elemind, and some valuable advice for all the Pillgrims.


Music Credit: Chapter One by Cole Bauer and Dean Keeton


The views, statements, and opinions,  expressed herein by the hosts and guests are their own, and their appearance on the podcast should not be construed as reflecting the views or implied endorsement of Independent Brokerage Solutions LLC or any of its officers, employees, or agents. The statements made herein should not be considered an investment opinion, advice, or a recommendation regarding securities of any company. This podcast is produced solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a security.

What is Venture Pill?

Your weekly dose of startups and venture capital. Brandon Osian and Sam Gordon prescribe all you'll need to get into the wonderful world of venture. From fundraising news to startup deep dives, you can expect to stay up to date with the most innovative, exciting companies out there.