Brown AF Brown Ambitious & Free: Leadership skills to transform into the powerful and effective leader you want to be

The best of us struggle with feeling like we don’t have what it takes, we aren't “enough” in some way or  just not “ready yet”. Today, we are going to talk about where this really comes from, why we are all susceptible to feeling like an imposter, and how to stop it. Let’s get one thing clear: IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Let’s normalize it and learn how to incinerate it when it pops up, so you do not hold back from a life of BIG personal and professional success you desire, deserve, and that will change the world. It has to be you to light it up. Let’s make sure you have the tools to gire back and GO BIG.

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What is Brown AF Brown Ambitious & Free: Leadership skills to transform into the powerful and effective leader you want to be?

Transform into the most powerful and effective leader in your life for explosive success.