The Albanese and Biden governments are united in positing that climate change poses an existential threat and are modernising their alliance relationship to tackle it. Major efforts are underway to boost renewable technology innovation, harness critical minerals and bolster domestic manufacturing to accelerate the clean energy transition. Yet significant hurdles remain to realising bilateral climate ambitions.

Australia and the United States must navigate the simultaneous challenges of decarbonising, building their domestic industrial bases, supporting the energy transition across their region, and competing with China for new sectors.

Are Australia and the United States competing when it comes to the clean energy transition? What has Australia-US climate cooperation promised and can it deliver? How can Australia and the United States balance their international climate efforts with boosts to manufacturing at home?

To answer these questions, USSC hosted a live event with Australia’s Ambassador for Climate Change Kristin Tilley, USSC Women in the Alliance Visiting Fellow Jane Nakano, and USSC Non-Resident Senior Fellow Meg McDonald in conversation with USSC Director of Economic Security Hayley Channer.

This event was hosted by the United States Studies Centre’s Women in the Alliance initiative.

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