
When a motorcycle accident left Jayden Alexanderson unable to pursue his hobbies, it claimed most of his friendships too.
Undeterred, he tried new activities – lots of them! Until he found interests, and relationships, that stuck.

Join our host Dr Zara Weedon, as Jayden shares his tips and experiences on rebuilding your life after brain injury.

To find out more, or access support, visit

Show Notes

When a car accident left Jayden Alexanderson unable to pursue his hobbies, it claimed most of his friendships too.
Undeterred, he tried new activities – lots of them! Until he found interests, and relationships, that stuck.

Join our host Dr Zara Weedon, as Jayden shares his tips and experiences on rebuilding your life after brain injury.

To find out more, or access support, visit

What is Brainbank?

Brain injury can be isolating, but you’re not alone. The Synapse Brainbank podcast is all about sharing experiences, expert resources and everyday advice – real perspectives from real people living with brain injury.

Hosted by Dr. Zara Weedon, who knows first-hand what it’s like to experience a brain injury, this series taps into honest perspectives and practical information from people – like you - living and working with brain injury.

For even more support, and to connect with the Synapse community, visit