Have you wondered why someone can lose fats faster or stay young even they are at your age? Maybe they are doing what you are not.

Show Notes

When it comes to getting in shape, losing weight, and gaining muscle, the first thing we thought about is training. And this can be frustrating when you think you already did everything you could in the gym and still not getting the result you want. 
Yes, getting a coach will help you achieve your goal faster, but some people don’t like to be told what to do, and even if they listen to the coach, there are micro things you might not know that will give your result a speed boost. 

Have you heard of this quote, “abs are built in the kitchen?” Yes, and it applies to losing fats too.  Losing fats is not just about all the hard training, it is about what you do outside the gym to help supplement what you did in the gym.

You might think, yeah yeah, we know it is about the diet. No! It is not just about the diet. 

Let me share with you some secrets of mine you might already know or you might not. Besides just training, these rituals are the ones I’ve been doing to recover my body faster, look young, minimize the chances of falling sick and burn more fats.


Number one. Drink one liter of lukewarm water with a few slices of lemon before any food or coffee in the morning. If you usually don’t have the habit of drinking a lot of water in the morning, then start with 500ml. If you have a stomach acidic problem, then don’t add lemon.

Why I suggest lemon is because lemon helps aid digestion. It also helps prevent constipation,that is why when you drink warm or hot lemon water when you wake up in the morning it may help you get your digestive system moving.

Number two. Have a very healthy breakfast. Filling and nutritious breakfast will help to kick start your day. Breakfast is often called “the most important meal of the day” by many generations. And why is it so? Breakfast breaks the overnight fasting time frame and it helps replenish your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness and provide essential nutrients for good health.

But if you are doing long hours of fasting and happen to break your fast only after breakfast, then you can skip it on the day when you are doing Intermittent-Fasting.

When you have a good and healthy breakfast that includes fiber, the tendency you have a heavy lunch or snack on something sweet in between your breakfast and lunch is slim, and that will help you to cut down unnecessary calories.

Number three. Cold Shower. Showering cold in the morning does more good than bad. In the old days, where parents told you not to shower cold in the morning after you wake up, if not you might catch a cold, it is over. Much research has proven, showering in the morning helps you to wake up and improves blood circulation. The cold and warm stimuli constrict and dilate your blood vessels, which will help strengthen your immune system.  Coldwater also helps reduce sore muscles and supports recovery after a workout or sports.

And if you are able to recover faster, you can hit the gym again to burn more fats and build muscle faster.

Number four. Drink warm Chinese tea every day. Naturally, teas have a type of flavonoid called catechins that may help boost metabolism and help your body break down fats more quickly. Like coffee, teas also have caffeine that will increase your energy use, causing your body to burn more calories.

But why specifically Chinese teas? Tea leaves like Pu-Er, Tie Guan Yin, or Oolong, already have a long history of helping people to clear the excessive oil from the food you eat out of your body system. That’s why I believe in Chinese teas.

Number five. If you work out that day, take ZMA supplements before sleep. ZMA stands for zinc, magnesium, and aspartate, aspartate in short, they are Vitamin B6. They are a popular supplement among athletes, bodybuilders. These three combinations help to boost muscle growth and strength and improve endurance, recovery, and sleep quality. And when you have good sleep quality, it will help you lose fats faster.

Last but not least, number 6. Before bedtime, meditate. Why is meditation good for you? Meditation does not help you to lose weight like how workout does but it is part of the plan.  If you meditate long enough, over time, it can help you to make lasting changes, like eating habits or the mind power to continue with your weight loss goal.

Suppose you can follow all that I mentioned above. You are already halfway there to achieve a total body and mind transformation. You can also start feeling different in a month. I’ve tried it myself when I need to lose some fats after the holiday and during the covid lockdown period. During that time, gyms are all closed, all that I could do was a home workouts and the rituals I mentioned. And it does help me to drop fats percentage from 16% back to 13%

I took a while to come out with these few ways that work hand in hand with training and diet. These are some things you won't get to hear or see very often when reading or getting advice from someone. Diet, workout, or taking slimming pills are more of the common ways people will advise you to do.

The conclusion is to set your mind right and follow the blueprint I have just told you. Sometimes you need to try an error to know your body better. Don’t be afraid to look at yourself in the mirror, and measure your body fat percentage to analyze your result every 3-4 weeks.


Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Hello, and Welcome to “AWAKEN THE WARRIOR IN YOU” Podcast. 

I’m Edison Ho, Mr World Singapore 2012 & the creator of the “LUMIX” system

For the past 12 years, I’ve helped hundreds individuals such as Celebrities, Teachers, CEOs, Lawyers, to transform their life and body - to achieve their dreams.

With a challenge of busy schedules and family commitment, Awaken The Warrior In You identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviours to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path of growth, confidence, and believing in yourself.

I believe that everyone’s potential is too precious a gift to waste. So join me in this journey, to AWAKEN the warrior in you!