The Dingbat Diaries Weekly

Hi, Kittycats! This is The Dingbat Diaries for the week of August 10th, 2023, which features Kevin Dorman of Prismatic Speech Services: 
- What is gender-affirming voice? 
- How do we develop gender and gender identity?
- How is gender perceived out there in the world today?


Prismatic Speech Services:
Transgender Voice article:
Home Free - "Man of Constant Sorrow":

  • (00:00) - Show Introduction
  • (01:10) - Introducing Kevin
  • (03:31) - About Kevin and Prismatic Speech Services
  • (05:07) - About Voice in Communication
  • (06:51) - Ami's Voice Journey
  • (09:17) - Voice Play
  • (09:51) - Why Gender-Affirming Voice?
  • (13:50) - Voice is for Everybody
  • (17:10) - Developing Gender
  • (17:54) - External Aspects of Gender
  • (20:09) - Negotiating with Society
  • (24:12) - Why Are Pronouns Important?
  • (28:39) - Ze / Zey in the 1980s
  • (31:48) - The Power of Being Named Correctly
  • (34:48) - Can Cisgender People Talk about Gender?
  • (38:30) - Microaggression in Gender Relations
  • (40:37) - A Tale of Real Aggression
  • (45:00) - Can We All Understand Each Other?
  • (48:00) - Show Closing

Creators & Guests

Amethysta Herrick
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Purplepaw Publications, LLC

What is The Dingbat Diaries Weekly?

Every week, join Amethysta Herrick to hear the interesting, frightening, and overall wacky stuff that thunks through her head. Topics include books Ami's reading, productivity tips, and the philosophy and science of gender and identity.