Animal Matters

Colony cages are on the agenda. An egg supplier was recently sentenced to two years in prison for fraudulently selling cage eggs as free range. Egg labelling relies on the trust of suppliers, but given how cruel colony cages are, should they be allowed to continue?

We also speak to Jake Conroy, one of the SHAC 7 who was imprisoned after campaigning against an infamous animal testing laboratory. His story is an important part of the history of our movement, so he shares with us his experience and what he learned from it.

What is Animal Matters?

Animal rights in Aotearoa New Zealand. Animal Matters is SAFE's podcast about all things animal rights and the issues impacting animals in Aotearoa. Will Appelbe and Courtney White discuss the latest current affairs impacting animals, the decisions of policymakers and government, and the complexities that surround the exploitation of animals.