The Saturday Matinée • Movies, News, Games, and Lists!

Tommy Metz leads Rob Kubasko and Kyle Olson for news, a list of too-old-teens, and a brain-breaking game of Opposite Shmopposite!

Show Notes

Tommy Metz is back in the big chair this week with Rob Kubasko and Kyle Olson. Kicking off our weekend festivities, Rob leads a rousing celebration of the new DJI Ronin 4D. Seriously, it’s an amazing camera in if you’re at all excited about gear, this thing is bonkers.
Arcade 1up has a new cabinet that GenX gamers will likely appreciate: the T2: Judgment Day machine. Yes, it’s a classic arcade cabinet. But think about it this way. If you own it, NO QUARTERS.
Got $400+ to burn? Check out the Ghostbusters HasLab Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack. Or, at least go look at it and realize that your family would have issues with you spending the money but leave the tab open in your browser, longingly checking it every few days, wondering what it would be like to call yourself a collector, changing your identity accordingly, and still coming to the same, sad, conclusion: $400 is crazy to pay for a proton pack that doesn’t actually include the Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler’s Neutrona Wand in the box.
Oh, and surprising everyone, Tom saw Dune… and liked it.
The team brings trailers that are, now surprising no one, on brand.


The list this week comes courtesy of last week’s hosts, a celebration of movies including actors who are too old to be sincerely playing high school students.

Rob’s List

  1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  2. Sense and Sensability
  3. Yentl

    Kyle’s List

  4. Like Crazy & Breathe In
  5. Mean Girls
  6. Behind the Candelabra

    Pete’s List

  7. Carrie & Grease
  8. Catch Me If You Can
  9. Grease (again, but with Stockard Channing)
  • (00:00) - Saturday Matinée •
  • (04:22) - DJI is doing amazing things
  • (10:14) - Going Dune Deaf
  • (14:42) - Arcade 1up
  • (16:41) - Hasbro Pulse Rob Kubasko 1-to-1 Proton Pack $$$$
  • (18:53) - Kyle's Watchlist: Ghost Rider the Second One, What We Do in Shadows, Ghosts
  • (24:48) - Trailers!
  • (40:17) - Games! Opposite Schmopposite?
  • (56:07) - Housekeeping!
  • (57:03) - The Rob Kubasko Memorial List Challenge: You're Too Old to Play a High School Student!
  • (01:07:33) - Coming Attractions

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What is The Saturday Matinée • Movies, News, Games, and Lists!?

Welcome to the Saturday Matinée from TruStory FM, our weekly show where we gather to talk about news, reviews, new trailers, and the hotly debated weekly list challenge!