Peeragogy In Action

Can we trust Wikipedia to deliver accurate news and information? Can this open-contribution platform be more trustworthy than media curated by corporations and special-interest organizations? Peeragogy Project editorial director Joe Corneli explores these questions with two experts on Wikipedia and misinformation/disinformation, Pete Forsyth & Lane Rasberry.

Show Notes

Peeragogy In Action #2
"Most social media sites are designed for profit," Pete Forsyth of Wiki Strategies tells us, "and fanning the flames of division and misinformation can be profitable. Wikipedia stands apart."

How is Wikipedia different? The platform is not driven by the same profit motives of YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook; in fact, its entire purpose is to enable users to evaluate good vs. bad sources of information. How can Wikipedia help us, how can we help Wikipedia, and what can be learned from Wikipedia to help other websites better serve the public good? Host Joe Corneli fields these questions for Wiki Strategies founder and longtime Wikipedia editor, Pete Forsyth and misinformation/disinformation expert, Lane Rasberry with UVA Data Science Dept.

Find  more details on the podcast schedule at Pierce Press. Visit the Peeragogy website for latest on the Peeragogy Project & the collaboratively written Peeragogy Handbook v3, "The No-Longer-Missing Guide to Peer Learning & Peer Production."

Creators & Guests

Charles J. Danoff
Views & opinions are my own | #Basketball fan | @Peeragogy handbook contributor | Write #poetry and #fiction
Joe Corneli
"Groucho was a Groucho Marx impersonator whose character became his permanent personality."
Good Inklings
Website Design, Content Writing, Marketing & BrandingI love photography, art, nature, chocolate. Motto: Kindness Matters. Always"Make good art."- Neil Gaimen
Pierce Press πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ 🌻 πŸ“šπŸš£β€β™€οΈ πŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎ
Publisher, podcaster, sculler, once & future farmer. Accepting πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ MS inquiries via contact form.

What is Peeragogy In Action?

Welcome to The Peeragogy in Action podcast, your no-longer-missing guide to peer learning and peer production! This podcast of the Peeragogy Project ( provides an interactive space where our audience and active participants can explore and present the philosophies, concepts, tools, and practical applications of non-hierarchical learning and production from colleagues and peers in all walks of life. Produced collaboratively under a CC0 license. Live-streamed via video to YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn; distributed to all major audio podcast apps.