ML Chat: Conversations with Multilingual Educators

ML Chat: Conversations with Multilingual Educators Trailer Bonus Episode 24 Season 1

Empowering Immigrant Voices: Tea Rozman's Journey

Empowering Immigrant Voices: Tea Rozman's JourneyEmpowering Immigrant Voices: Tea Rozman's Journey

Step into the captivating world of immigrant narratives on this ML Chat Podcast episode with Tea Rozman, co-founder of Green Card Voices. She shares her remarkable journey from working in refugee camps to empowering individuals through storytelling. Her work brings transformative impact by amplifying immigrant journeys and building projects like Green Card Youth Voices to build empathy and understanding. Tea's inspiring insights on dignity, empathy, and the power of shared experiences promise a thought-provoking conversation.

What is ML Chat: Conversations with Multilingual Educators?

ML Chat explores everything to do with Multilingual student instruction. Do you oversee students that are learning English? ML Chat is the place to learn more and continue to refine your craft. In each episode co-hosts Tim Blackburn and Justin Hewett talk with experts, researchers, and district administrators to explore how to best serve our language learners.