The Maximum Lawyer Podcast

Are you looking for a better way to maximize meeting notes? In this episode, Tyson introduces the new segment, Max Law Tech Tips. He shares a valuable tech tip on optimizing meeting notes using ChatGPT.

Many have used ChatGPT for writing content, whether it be essays or resumes. But, it can really help with elevating meeting notes, especially within the legal field. Tyson shares his experience in using the platform, more so on how it provides the opportunity to create a visual timeline of cases. 

Pasting content into ChatGPT can provide deeper explanations, potential follow up questions and suggestions on next steps. It takes on the role of a legal assistant who gives you quick advice on what to do next. 

Test it out for yourself!

Take a listen!

00:24 Tysons journey to using Chat GPT
1:12 The various capabilities of  Chat GPT

🎥 Watch the full video on YouTube here

Creators & Guests

Jim Hacking
Jim launched Hacking Immigration Law in 2008 and his firm has grown to over 30 employees and helped thousands of individuals obtain their immigration benefits. He is the co-founder of Maximum Lawyer.
Tyson Mutrux
Tyson is the founder of Mutrux Firm Injury Lawyers and the co-founder of Maximum Lawyer.

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Are you running or starting your own law firm? This is your podcast.