WTIP Outdoor News Podcast

As electric vehicles become increasingly prevalent nationwide, including along the North Shore, numerous fire departments are enhancing their training protocols and acquiring advanced extinguishing tools as the lithium-ion battery poses unique challenges for firefighters.

In recent weeks, the Grand Marais Fire Department added a new extinguishing tool to the repertoire to prepare for an EV fire in Cook County, thanks to the expertise of a skilled Grand Marais resident. Matt Stone, owner of UniMoose Enterprises, built an EV extinguishing unit for the Grand Marais Fire Department that resembles an elongated sprinkler system.

In this week's episode we learn how rural fire departments are adapting to the challenges of battling EV fires.

Show Notes

As electric vehicles become increasingly prevalent nationwide, including along the North Shore, numerous fire departments are enhancing their training protocols and acquiring advanced extinguishing tools as the lithium-ion battery poses unique challenges for firefighters. In recent weeks, the Grand Marais Fire Department added a new extinguishing tool to the repertoire to prepare for an EV fire in Cook County, thanks to the expertise of a skilled Grand Marais resident. Matt Stone, owner of UniMoose Enterprises, built an EV extinguishing unit for the Grand Marais Fire Department that resembles an elongated sprinkler system. In this week's episode we learn how rural fire departments are adapting to the challenges of battling EV fires.

What is WTIP Outdoor News Podcast?

WTIP is the community radio station serving Minnesota's North Shore. We share a variety of outdoor news content from the region, including Lake Superior, Isle Royale and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. From fishing and hunting to environmental issues, this locally-produced podcast covers important outdoor news relevant to our broad community of listeners.