Lock & Key

Coming Soon from The Independent: Lock and Key — a limited series podcast about housing, and the stories behind closed doors. 

Lock and Key is produced by Olivia Ball and edited by Luke Quinton. Hosted by Luke Quinton and Andie Bulman.

Music is by Jake Nicoll
Our art is by Shan Leigh Pomeroy 

Thanks to Tom Baird and Sara Swain. Justin Brake is Editor-in-chief of The Independent. 

For more in-depth stories about the housing crisis, visit www.TheIndependent.ca 

And a big thank to everyone who shared their stories with us over this past year.

"The Lock & Key podcast received funding from The Community Housing Transformation Centre (the Centre); however, the views expressed are the personal views of the author and the Centre accepts no responsibility for them."

What is Lock & Key?

Lock and Key is a limited series podcast about housing, and the stories behind closed doors. From www.theindependent.ca