The Faith Filled Entrepreneur

Free Download: Business Bullseye GuideFree Workshop: Your Next 5 StepsFollowing these principles will increase your sales AND increase your faith as you express it in love!What are some Biblical principles that can help us hit this business bullseye better with our customers?Listen - “Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open to knowledge” Proverbs 18:15. Listen to your audience. Learn what they need. Learn what they are going through. Listen to the Holy Spirit. I am currently going through a pretty big pivot and I’m amazed at the people God is bring into my path to serve right now. Logistically, what does this look like?Put out surveysFollow who you think your ideal clients would be on social media and interact with their posts. Listen to what they are saying.If you already have a community, send some individual messages to people who engage with your content and ask them specific questions.Send out questions on your email lists.Serve - “But among you, it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:26-28. I’ve read this story several times, but the first thing Jesus said here jumped out at me more than ever this time - but among you, it will be different. Yall, could this be more true? We have to be different, and one of the biggest ways to do this is serve those we have the privilege of serving instead placing ourselves above them. Logistically, (you know I’m a logistics person), what does this look like?First of all, it starts in your mind and heart - do you feel honored and humbled that they chose to work with you, or do you feel like, “You’re a hot mess and you’re lucky you found me”? Second - how will you respond in conflict. While boundaries are good and necessary, is Jesus happy with the way you give value and support to the people he gave you, or do you cut corners and do the bare minimum?Lastly, and this is outside of your customers, are you using your freedom and finances as an entrepreneur to serve your community, church body and neighbors? Blessings and refreshment come from doing this.Be generous - prov 11:24, 25 “Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything. The generous will prosper, those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”  Friends, we are called to be generous with our funds, generous with our time and generous with our knowledge. This generous spirit also falls in line with the abundance mindset, which is so needed for growth. Logistically, what does this look like?Tithe. Period.Serve or volunteer - God created the time, and he knows how many hours are in a day. If he tells us to serve others, which he does, he will bless that time.Give generously of your knowledge - ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom on what to share freely - create free lead magnets that give great value. Create low-ticket items that give value. Be prepared when you have coaching sessions. Let’s talk about what it is not - Being available 24 hours a day.Placing discounts on everything.God has given you a business, so it’s okay and good to run your business, but how can you infuse generosity in there?

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Free Download: Business Bullseye Guide

Free Workshop: Your Next 5 Steps

Following these principles will increase your sales AND increase your faith as you express it in love!

What are some Biblical principles that can help us hit this business bullseye better with our customers?

  1. Listen - “Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open to knowledge” Proverbs 18:15. Listen to your audience. Learn what they need. Learn what they are going through. Listen to the Holy Spirit. I am currently going through a pretty big pivot and I’m amazed at the people God is bring into my path to serve right now. Logistically, what does this look like?
    1. Put out surveys
    2. Follow who you think your ideal clients would be on social media and interact with their posts. Listen to what they are saying.
    3. If you already have a community, send some individual messages to people who engage with your content and ask them specific questions.
    4. Send out questions on your email lists.
  2. Serve - “But among you, it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:26-28. I’ve read this story several times, but the first thing Jesus said here jumped out at me more than ever this time - but among you, it will be different. Yall, could this be more true? We have to be different, and one of the biggest ways to do this is serve those we have the privilege of serving instead placing ourselves above them. Logistically, (you know I’m a logistics person), what does this look like?
    1. First of all, it starts in your mind and heart - do you feel honored and humbled that they chose to work with you, or do you feel like, “You’re a hot mess and you’re lucky you found me”? 
    2. Second - how will you respond in conflict. 
    3. While boundaries are good and necessary, is Jesus happy with the way you give value and support to the people he gave you, or do you cut corners and do the bare minimum?
    4. Lastly, and this is outside of your customers, are you using your freedom and finances as an entrepreneur to serve your community, church body and neighbors? Blessings and refreshment come from doing this.
  3. Be generous - prov 11:24, 25 “Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything. The generous will prosper, those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”  Friends, we are called to be generous with our funds, generous with our time and generous with our knowledge. This generous spirit also falls in line with the abundance mindset, which is so needed for growth. Logistically, what does this look like?
    1. Tithe. Period.
    2. Serve or volunteer - God created the time, and he knows how many hours are in a day. If he tells us to serve others, which he does, he will bless that time.
    3. Give generously of your knowledge - ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom on what to share freely - create free lead magnets that give great value. Create low-ticket items that give value. Be prepared when you have coaching sessions. 

Let’s talk about what it is not - 

  1. Being available 24 hours a day.
  2. Placing discounts on everything.

God has given you a business, so it’s okay and good to run your business, but how can you infuse generosity in there?

What is The Faith Filled Entrepreneur?

If you are a business owner and you love Jesus, you've come to the right place! Are you needing business strategies to grow your business? Are you wanting to lean on your faith in the process? Are you wanting to build confidence in taking next steps? You will get all of that and more in this podcast!