Verzus - Dj Duke Live Edition

Verzus - Dj Duke Live Edition Trailer Bonus Episode 2 Season 1

BMI Que Boogie vs. Kaoz Montana / Lil Crow vs. Ydg Bandzz

BMI Que Boogie vs. Kaoz Montana / Lil Crow vs. Ydg BandzzBMI Que Boogie vs. Kaoz Montana / Lil Crow vs. Ydg Bandzz


@bml.que_boogie vs @kaozmontana
@mr_41089 vs @ydg.bvndzz
Powered By: @baltvodka
Hosted By: @thedjboothradioshow

What is Verzus - Dj Duke Live Edition?

The Verzus - DDL Edition was created to showcase talent for artist & to create a networking experience for artist also. The event is powered by @thedjboothradioshow. Dj Duke plays music for the first 10 minutes. Then the artists perform 10 of their best songs each. There are no winners or losers , just a showcase of talent and a great vibe!