Curiously Kristen

Today we’re getting curious about change. The catalysts for change, the reasons it’s hard to change, and why allowing ourselves to change in ways that align with our true selves is the only path to real growth. 
We dig into a few psychological concepts like "Identity Foreclosure" and the "Sunk Cost Fallacy" and I share a recent story of road rage. 
We know the hard things in life won’t suddenly cease to happen because we’ve decided to change. If anything, our decision to change will be the REASON we approach those situations differently and in a healthier way. 

What is Curiously Kristen?

On this show, we talk about lots of things. Personal development, behavioral psychology, business trends, leadership, adventure travel, spiritual practice, starting over somewhere new, taking risks, failing, getting back up and trying again. The subject matter is broad but the connecting fiber is deep. WE'RE EXPLORING OUR CURIOSITY. Without judgement. Without needing permission. Here, we'll learn, grow, and become our best selves - by leaning into the things we're curious about and letting that curiosity pave our path to purpose.