Turn the Dial - Real Estate Agent Podcast

If you are looking to pick up the pace in your business, lose weight, learn a language, learn to play an instrument...then the 12 Week Year can help you achieve this goal in short order.  If you aren't familiar, the 12 Week Year is a system to help individuals achieve more in 12 Weeks than most achieve in 12 months.  Your host today, Scott Comey, is a Certified Trainer of this amazing system.  Let him walk you through the steps in this system so that you can finish the calendar year strong.
  • Vision Planning
  • Set 2-3 goals (start each goal with a verb)
  • Choose Tactics for each goal (2-4 and start them with an action word)
  • Score Keeping (track your completion % of each goal every week)
  • WAM - Partner with someone else to help in accountability (or join our next group coaching) 
  • Time Block for greater success
If you want to join the next 12 Week Year starting on Oct 16th, please email amanda@turnthedialcoaching.com by Oct 2nd.  Cost is $399 for the entire 12 Weeks, and also gives you access to the tracking software called Achieve.

What is Turn the Dial - Real Estate Agent Podcast?

Scott & Renee Comey are coaches, trainers and speakers in the Real Estate space. In addition, they have reached a sales level that had put them in the Top 1% nationally in Real Estate sales. Each episode focuses on a different subject matter in either business or sales. They have featured guests from CEO's, to Bestselling Authors to Business & Team Leaders from around the world. We hope you get a good nugget out of each podcast episode.