Louisiana Farm Bureau Podcast

You've heard the phrase, "Farm To Table." It's really not that new to most. Generations ago, everyone raised their own food in the garden and cooked it for dinner. Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation is creating a space for those farmers who market directly to consumers to support each other, solve problems, and help continue feeding their neighbors. In this episode, Karl visits with two of those farmers, Kacie Luckett and Grant Estrade.

Learn more about Grant & Kate Estrade here.
Learn more about Kacie & Derek Luckett here and here. Learn more about their farm.
Become a member of Louisiana Farm Bureau today.

What is Louisiana Farm Bureau Podcast?

Louisiana Farm Bureau is constantly working protect and promote Louisiana's farmers, ranchers, and rural residents. This podcast exists to share stories of those farmers with interviews about their farms and issues important to them. Here, we will also share about the work Farm Bureau is doing on their behalf on issues related to public policy from the parish level all the way to the halls of Congress in D.C.