Whiskey Bench

Join the Whiskey Bench for another episode of News and Brews. Social security is headed toward insolvency and (R) and (D) alike seem to be ignoring that fact. Since the citizens of the Unites States can't opt out of paying into a worthless program, what can be done? In other news, Chat GPT has a twin brother DAN. He smarter, faster, and can do anything. The Bench lays out all the drama and what that means for fighting wrong-think and censorship.
Beer of the Week: Hop Valley Brewing Co. Stash Panda

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Remember, always drink responsibly and cheers to a fulfilled life with all its beauty!

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Connect with the Whiskey Bench on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, all at @whiskeybenchpod. Or shoot us an email at whiskeybenchpod@gmail.com.

Thank you to Reagan James for use of our theme music, The Habit, off her album, Message. Follow her work on Spotify and Apple Music!

What is Whiskey Bench?

Welcome to the Whiskey Bench, where we pair cocktails with conversation. Whether we’re diving deep into a meaty subject like the history of fascism or why monetary policy drives inflation, or just bringing you the highlights of a crazy news week, we aim to look past the simple answers and discuss the complexity of our wild world. So pull up a chair, pour yourself a drink, and join us on the Whiskey Bench.