Loki Karuna chats with Kiana Corley about her upbringing in a so-called classical household and how it led her toward a career as a singer/songwriter at the intersection of folk and soul. Loki also responds to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's upcoming "Montgomery and the Blacknificent 7" concert, and speaks to the importance of decolonizing the way we market and present ourselves to the music industry, and to the world.

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Creators & Guests

Loki Karuna
"I spent years pursuing excellence: what classical music is all about. Now it's dedicated to freedom; that's far more important." -Nina Simone #NamMyohoRengeKyo


CLASSICAL MUSIC has been misappropriated as a musical genre and a culture rooted in the aesthetics of Western Europe.
TRILLOQUY is the weekly podcast built to DECOLONIZE the traditional definitions and conversations surrounding CLASSICAL MUSIC.